Knowledge Center
Outcomes, discoveries, and analysis from our breadth of good governance initiatives.

Reform in Action: Findings and Recommendations from a 3-Year Process Evaluation of New York's 2020 Criminal Legal Reforms
The evaluation, which covered all four of the key areas of reform, aimed not just to document what the rollout looked like, but also to understand the factors and circumstances that facilitated or hindered success. Importantly, it centered the perspectives of those closest to the process—namely, administrators, practitioners, direct service providers, and people involved with the criminal legal system.

Reform in the Media: Analyzing How Local Media Covered New York’s Criminal Legal Reform Narrative
Our findings suggest that media coverage of the reforms lacked details about the legislation’s purpose and specific changes to the pretrial process, disproportionately focused on perspectives that were critical of the legislation, and emphasized the perceived negative impacts to community safety.

Reform in Action: Fact Sheets on Initial Findings by Area
To examine how criminal legal system agencies put these reforms into practice, ISLG , through support from Arnold Ventures, is conducting a process evaluation of these implementation efforts through combination of interviews, focus groups, document reviews, and data analyses. This series of fact sheets digs into each of these reforms.