Institute Intelligence

Insights, case studies, news, and updates from ISLG’s good governance research and action.

Insights Carla Sinclair Insights Carla Sinclair

Using Action Research to Transform Probation

Action research is a form of inquiry that emphasizes collaboration between researchers and practitioners to solve real-world problems. CUNY ISLG intentionally chose this model for probation reform to maximize the relevance and applicability of Reducing Revocations Challenge research to conditions on the ground, and ensure practical solutions that could drive real change.

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Insights Carla Sinclair Insights Carla Sinclair

Safety, Justice & Research: Tapping into a Decade’s Worth of Criminal Legal Reform Research

In 2023, we began leading an entirely new work stream in partnership with the MacArthur Foundation and its affiliates to review and summarize lessons learned from across SJC-funded research projects and initiatives. The goal of this SJC synthesis work is to tap into our unique bird’s eye view to identify issues within the SJC research priorities that inform our work and the field at large.

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Insights Carla Sinclair Insights Carla Sinclair

Achieving Racial Equity and Improving Culture in Jails Using a Community-Engaged Quality Improvement Process

As part of its efforts to lower jail populations across America and address racial disparities in the criminal justice system, the Safety and Justice Challenge recently funded a project examining racial disparities within a county jail. The resulting report presents an approach that can build greater racial equity within jail settings.

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Insights Carla Sinclair Insights Carla Sinclair

WATCH: Criminal Legal Reform in New York, Five Years In

The talk series brought together researchers and on-the-ground stakeholders from across the criminal legal field—including advocates, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges, and service providers—to reflect on New York’s sweeping changes to its criminal legal system, five years after the legislation has passed.

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Insights Carla Sinclair Insights Carla Sinclair

How Long People Stay is the Problem

Over the past two decades, the average length of stay in New York City jails has increased 136%, from a low of 44 days among those discharged in FY 2001 to 104 days in FY 2023. While much of the blame for this increase has been placed on the COVID pandemic — and certainly the pandemic exacerbated issues, as it did around the country — that is far from the whole story here.

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